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Olympic Stadium finances - Freedom of Information

When the announcement was made in March of West Ham United's preferred tenancy at the Olympic Stadium, LOFT's committee felt that a number of financial aspects had not been disclosed.

We sought answers from the London Legacy Development Corporation by way of a request under the Freedom of Information Act. The initial response (available here) relied mostly on exemptions to avoid answering the questions, which we challenged by way of a request to internally review on the basis of the public interest.

We recently received the outcome of that review, which is available here (and the attachment mentioned in that response is available here).

Having considered in committee, we feel that we have obtained as much information as can be released at this time, and are thus publishing those responses.

We do however reserve the right to seek and publish further information, once the procurement process for redevelopment of the Stadium has been concluded. There remain questions as to the extent the public purse will be providing for a Premier League club to move into the Stadium.

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