We're on X (formerly Twitter) at @LOFansTrust
Or, you can send us a letter by post to:
LOFT - Leyton Orient Fans' Society Limited
Suite D
The Stables
Bradbourne House
New Road
East Malling
ME19 6DZ
You can also leave a message and a contact number on 07415 060958
We want to hear your comments about LOFT, our work and this website. If you are interested in joining LOFT, click here.
You can also contact our board members directly:
Adam Michaelson / Legal legal@leytonorientfanstrust.com
Anna Fleming / Liaison lofanstrust@gmail.com
Doug Harper / Chair chair@leytonorientfanstrust.com
Geoff Moody / tbc tbc
James Roper / tbc tbc
Jonathan Kaye / Secretary & Webmaster secretary@leytonorientfanstrust.com
Mat Roper / Recruitment recruitment@leytonorientfanstrust.com
Paul Arnup / Membership Secretary membership@leytonorientfanstrust.com
Peter Osborne / Treasurer treasurer@leytonorientfanstrust.com
Tom Davies / Vice-Chair and Media Liaison media@leytonorientfanstrust.com
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