LOFT's AGM for the 2013/14 season took place on Monday 14th April. Around 35 members, including some that joined or rejoined on the night, turned out at the Supporters Club.
Once the formal AGM business was concluded (see below), our special guest - former O's player and joint manager John Sitton - took part in a Q&A session that covered his time at the club.
Among the highlights:
Our thanks to "Sitts" for taking time out to join us and for answering all the questions as honestly as he did.
As he remarked on more than a few occasions, his forthcoming book that looks back on his football career is due out soon ("late spring/early summer"), with his share of the proceeds being split among four charities, and we hope that it achieves his stated aim of telling the full story that 'Club for a Fiver' only scratched the surface of.
AGM business
Having been unable to attend last year's AGM through illness, chair Doug Harper was welcomed back by vice-chair James Cassidy who read the Chairman's report.
The meeting also received the Treasurer's report on LOFT's finances.
Two committee members stood down at the end of their 3-year terms; Mark Dunn and Mike Randall. Both stood for re-election and were elected by the meeting.
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